Join me on the journey of health through Young Living Essential Oils!
get started
Here's a step-by-step to get you started on your journey with Young Living essential oils:
Click YES to both questions if you see yourself ordering more products each month and making a lifestyle out of non-toxic products, the minimum is 50 PV (basically $50) per month. Otherwise, just click NO for now.
*if you click yes, it will have you pick your order for next month - pick the Thieves Kit for now, and you can switch it or cancel it later!
enter your info
Create a password and 4-digit PIN and click the free shipping option.
*SSN isn't needed unless you plan to do the business side for tax purposes
enter my info
To join our Oil & Spoil Team with the Oily Desi, make sure my member number is entered for your ENROLLER AND SPONSOR: 11072502
Once you purchase your kit, I'll plug you into our private education groups and walk alongside of you as your learn this oily lifestyle.
I am SO excited for you - let's get started!

"I like essential oils because they allow me to replace expensive store bought products with home remedies using the oils! I especially love using them in my hair care routine because I notice a real difference in growth & texture!"

"Its been an amazing experience joining Ruby's team. From the time I first purchased my starter kit to her giving me the encouragement and push I needed to build my own business, I've learned so much from her in a short time! More importantly, her generosity & encouragement has allowed me to experience the healing benefits of oils!"