***NOTE: This is not medical advice, it is meant to be educational.
Hormones play a huge role in our overall health & well being - both physical and mental. They affect our mood, metabolism, energy levels, exercise tolerance, skin and hair, sleep, and much more.
On the flip side, everything from age to sleep to environment can impact our hormones, making it incredibly common for one of the key players to be out of balance. And an imbalanced system can leave us feeling worn out, strung out, and everything in between.
But we don’t have to live in that place. We have tools in our toolbox!
I’m here to help you figure out what your body is trying to tell you.
I’m here to give you tools to support both specific needs and hormone health overall.
Together we can help you get your vitality (and sanity!) back.

Are Your Hormones Running the Show?
Do you experience chronic fatigue?
Is your hair falling out?
Are your hormones imbalanced?
Do you feel lightheaded?
Have you lost your libido?
Are you moody and irritable?
Do you crave sweet and salty foods?
It is very possible that your hormones are running the show, making you worn out, anxious, annoyed, and generally needing a little help. Our hormones (and the balance between them) are absolutely crucial to our health and to a vibrant lifestyle.
There are many hormones in the body, but the ones that tend to cause havoc when out of balance are the adrenal, thyroid and sex hormones. These work in a cycle together.
Thyroid hormone affects sex hormones.
Adrenal hormones affect thyroid hormones.
Sex hormones affect adrenal hormones.
So when one part of the cycle is out of balance, there are consequences for the entire endocrine system.
But hang on. Because we are going to dive into this together, and you will leave with lots of great tips and products to help you get your groove back.

A Holistic View of Health
We want to look at our health and our lives with a holistic perspective. Our bodies work as a whole. Our lives work as a whole. Each part is dependent on the others, and each part affects the others.
What does a holistic view of health look like? It looks like tools in your toolbox for daily support, tools for when the bumps in the road hit, pausing and listening to your body to see what it is trying to tell you.
Our bodies have an innate design that we can support and encourage with simple daily tools. Our lives are an interplay of mental, physical, and emotional health. Each one affecting the other, and each one an area where we can create nourishing routines that spill over into each of the other areas.
So let's shift our focus to a holistic view of our lives and health so we can move toward something better, something richer in all areas – including our hormone health.

The Science of Essential Oils and Oil-Infused Supplements - The Young Living difference
Essential oils are fascinating - they are a way to harness the incredible power of nature. Essential oils are the aromatic compounds naturally found in shrubs, flowers, roots, leaves, stems and other plant parts.
The power of an essential oil lies in its individual constituents and the synergy between those constituents - the individual compounds and pieces of the plant’s innate systems.
Studies over the last decades found that rosemary may enhance alertness + combat candida, orange + lemon demonstrate tumor-suppressing effects, and thyme can wash bacteria from produce. Studies like this are plentiful on PubMed!
There is also the smell-emotion connection to consider. This connection starts in the limbic system, often referred to as the “emotional brain”. When you breathe in an essential oil, molecules enter the limbic system and elicit an emotional response. How amazing is that?!

Nourishing Our Hormones - Ningxia, Green Omega 3, Super B, Mineral Essence
Just like our physical bodies, our hormones need nourishment to keep sending the appropriate signals to the appropriate cells to get the appropriate responses. When our adrenals, thyroid and other endocrine glands are lacking in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients, the whole show is going to get out of balance.
This is why proactive supplementation is so key! And we have some great foundational options that will give your entire endocrine system the nourishment it needs – not to mention your body overall! Here are some of our favorites you can learn more about:
NingXia Red - https://m.lfstps.com/ZHHye/w2J0
Supports a healthy immune system
Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
Provides energy support
HUGE source of antioxidants
Support brain and joint health
Supports healthy hormone levels
Supports healthy blood sugar levels
Can help curb sugar cravings
Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols
Ok so we know all the amazing benefits of this superfood, but what exactly is it?
Ningxia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor. The essential oils mixed in Ningxia Red and other Young Living supplements act as catalysts to help deliver nutrients through the cell membranes while assisting in the removal of cellular wastes.
Besides its great taste, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits! It is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories.
One ounce of Ningxia Red has the antioxidant power of:
4 Pounds Carrots
2 Quarts Carrot Juice
8 Oranges
1 Pint Orange Juice
2 Pounds Beets
2 Cups Beet Juice
3 Cups Raspberries
2 Cups Blueberries
… combined!
Let's talk antioxidants. That word gets thrown around a lot as we discuss wellness, but what does it really mean? Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.
NingXia Red is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels.
THE NINGXIA WOLFBERRY This superfood is the main source of antioxidants and health-supporting vitamins and minerals. Did you know that the NingXia Wolfberry…
Has over 15% protein by weight
Contains over 21 essential minerals
Contains 18 amino acids
Has 67 times the vitamin b1 of brown rice
Has 2 times the vitamin b3 of baker's yeast
Has 3 times the vitamin c of raw oranges
Has 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
Has 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach
Talk about a nutrient powerhouse!
NINGXIA RED & EMOTIONS Supporting our physical health is critical when it comes to emotional health - the two are so interconnected! Both NingXia Red and NingXia Wolfberries are full of antioxidants which are essential when we are processing stress or trauma, and they are particularly helpful when feeling overwhelm, grief or fear.
Check out these other 3 must haves for happy hormones:

Hot Flashes, Cramps, PMS, and the She Dragon Within
Many women struggle to some degree with feeling the effects of hormonal imbalance – from their first cycle through childbearing years to menopause! Each of these stages has its own set of dragons to be tamed, and each of these dragons is related to an imbalance of one or more hormones.
So what gives? Why do we feel this way?
Well, there are lots of causes – hormones, diet, lack of sleep, overall inflammation, psychological and physical stress (aka being a human in this modern world). A lot of this is within our control, some of it will improve when we balance our hormones, and a little is out of our control so we have to do the best we can with what we have!
And we are lucky enough to have tools in our toolbox to help us with this rollercoaster!

The Endocrine System - EndoGize, EndoFlex
The endocrine system produces hormones and hormones tell the body what to do and when to do it! When your hormones aren’t firing off correctly, NOTHING IS RIGHT.
The endocrine system’s primary aim is to maintain a stable and balanced internal environment, aka homeostasis. The body does this by regulating functions such as metabolism, growth, sleep wake cycles, breathing, and sexual development through a series of glands that release hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones travel to the organs and tissues of the body where they signal cells act in certain ways for cell growth and function.
Our endocrine system is crucially important. Support it well and you might find yourself feeling like a whole new person.
Meet EndoFlex - The personal trainer for your endocrine system.
Pair this oil blend with EndoGize - The Power Hitter

Estrogen & Progesterone
Almost all women are high in estrogen and deficient in progesterone (with a few exceptions). Our diets, environmental factors, skin products, and much more, quickly lead to the excess estrogen in the body.
Progesterone is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands (and the placenta when pregnant) and is stored in fat. Progesterone is not just needed for our reproductive system but also for our NERVOUS system.
Estrogen has to first attach to a cell, then it grabs hands with the progesterone. If the progesterone is not there, the estrogen begins to inhibit the chemical process that is supposed to happen and it can begin a process of mutation.
In today’s society, women’s bodies at all ages are FULL of estrogen going into our cell receptors, then reaching out a hand for progesterone only to be left hanging. Nothing. Chemical imbalance CHAOS.
Bottom line? Both estrogen and progesterone are important. BUT they are needed in a balance of each other.

What Your Cycle is Telling You - FemiGen, Progessence Plus
Let’s take a little closer look at the monthly cycle of hormones for women. If you know how your cycle works, then you can support your body well.
Clearly the levels of hormones in our bodies are meant to fluctuate throughout the month, but almost all women are starting at a hormone deficit (at least with progesterone!), making all of the symptoms of each phase even more acute.
Estrogen and progesterone are needed in some amount every day of the month. Depending on your situation, you may find that support for both hormones works best for you!
Progessence Plus is our BFF. Read more about it here.
Another great option for female hormone support is FemiGen!
Happy Hormones Habits
Apply Progessence Plus daily to the wrists or front of the throat.
Take FemiGen twice daily.
Maintain your baseline supplements to nourish your hormones and body in general – NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, Super B, Green Omega 3s.

Thyroid Trouble - Thyromin
If you are a woman reading this, it is highly likely that your thyroid needs a little extra TLC. Yep, it’s that common.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck. It releases thyroid hormones that control metabolism and affect or control MANY other functions.
Because the thyroid does so much for us, it needs lots of nourishment!! This is why we love a wonderful supplement called Thyromin.
Favorite Thyroid Essential Oil Love Notes:
Idaho Blue Spruce
Happy Hormones Habits
Take Thyromin first thing in the morning before other supplements or medications.
Apply Nutmeg and/or EndoFlex oils daily.
Diffuse EnRGee and Nutmeg!

Adrenal Glands - PowerGize
Have you heard about the adrenal glands? Oh my goodness, do these guys take a beating – especially with our modern lifestyle.
The adrenal glands are small organs that sit on top of the kidneys. They maintain and boost our energy, kind of like a car shifting into first, second, and third gear as we go about our day. They also help our body survive during times of stress. Since many of us live in a state of constant stress, they wear down quickly.
Our adrenal glands aren't meant to always be firing. They are there to jump in when needed and not be running the whole show. But excessive caffeine, lack of sleep, emotional stress, demanding schedules, hormonal imbalance, diet, alcohol abuse, and always pushing ourselves to the max can damage the adrenals to cause them to fatigue.
Give your adrenals a power up with PowerGize.

Stress Takes a Toll - Cortistop, PD 80/20
Stress stored and fought by the body is possibly the number one health danger, so making sure we have tools to help our bodies physically and emotionally deal with stress is one of the biggest positive changes we can make.
When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can cause feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems. When cortisol levels are chronically high, it affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, basically affecting all your hormones and disrupting the natural feedback loop. This causes the body to be less sensitive to the ‘Stop Signal,' and creates a vicious cycle of elevated stress signals.
This is not what we want.
Enter our favorite stress supplement – CortiStop.
Another great, more targeted option here is PD 80/20.

Emotional Roots to Our Health Issues - Nutmeg, En R Gee, diffusing
Ohhh emotions. They can be so big and so heavy at times, and they absolutely affect our physical health – even more than you may realize!
Our brains have specific areas where we process emotion. The system of the brain responsible for memory and mood is the limbic system. It includes the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, and the amygdala.
The hippocampus is where new nerve cells are created. And it is physically beside the structure responsible for emotions. And is connected to the nose via a cranial nerve.
Let’s read that again.
The part of the brain where new nerve cells are created is connected to the part that processes emotions and is also connected to our sense of smell.
Aromatherapy (breathing in essential oils) sends messages to our brain through our cranial nerves and limbic system. This means that inhaling oils triggers this area, helping us to rest, reset, and recharge.
Two favorites for diffusing & emotions – Nutmeg & EnRGee.

As We Age - Regenolone, Prenolone +, SclarEssence
As we age our hormone levels continue to fluctuate – during and after having children and into menopause. At each stage we may need estrogen support, but we are especially in need of estrogen support during and after menopause.
Happy Hormones Habits
Apply Regenolone Moisturizing Cream or Prenolone Plus Body Cream daily.
Add SclarEssence to your routine – apply it daily, diffuse it while you sleep, add SclarEssence Vitality to a capsule and take daily as a supplement.
Maintain your baseline supplements to nourish your hormones and body in general – NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, Super B, Green Omega 3s.

Learn More with Us - Life Steps App, Facebook groups, people ready to help
One of the most beautiful things about natural health is that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. There are lots of tools and resources at your disposal to help you create a completely customized health routine that meets YOUR needs.
And you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed about what to do, where to start, what to add, or how to use these products. We have you covered with the Life Steps app!
The free version of this app is perfect for Customers. It provides information, education, videos, and more to make sure you know how to purchase, use, and benefit from your Young Living products.
We also have Facebook groups for every challenge so you can connect with other people, learn more, and keep growing on your health journey.
Not to mention the people here to help you! The person who invited you to this class, and all of us here at Life Steps are here for you.
Keep learning with us as we all grow forward in our health journey.

Loyalty Rewards
If you like making life simpler, saving money, getting free products and a good discount, then this is for you! Say hello to Loyalty Rewards!
When you order your YL favorites via the Loyalty Rewards program, you can earn reward points that work like product credits, gain access to exclusive oils, save money and have it all show up at your doorstep whenever you want. If that isn’t an easy button, we don’t know what is!

Get Started Today with the Adrenal Love Wellness Box
In this class we have touched on how stress is such a huge factor in our health, and it keeps our adrenal system going and going and going – not what we want for ideal health! But figuring out what to do to help this just adds more stress…
Say hello to your easy button - the Monthly Wellness Box!
Simply choose an area of health to work on or a lifestyle need that fits your family, add the products to your subscription to earn Loyalty Rewards, and enjoy all the benefits of the amazing products you've chosen each month.
One of our favorite places to start is the Adrenal Love Wellness Box. This collection of products is our favorite for calming and soothing the adrenals so you can decrease the stress on your body. Learn more about this wellness box here.
We hope this class has encouraged you to realize there is so much hope for your hormones! You have tips, tools, and all the information you need to change your story and slay this dragon!
***NOTE: This is not medical advice, it is meant to be educational.